Thursday, February 12, 2009

Every once in a while...

Every once in a while I do something that I call "boofy." It is SO against my nature and can be
uncomfortable for me. These two projects were fun, easy and turned out pretty cute.:) My friend Jeri Donnely would be so proud.

Do you prefer stacked or side by side?????

This was a practice run for Kinsey's valentines day hairdo. Way easy. We got the idea off of
one of our favorite hair blogs...can't remember which one.

I'll try to do a better part tomorrow:)


The Reno Donnelly's said...

I am impressed and I also remember your husband calling me that (boofy). Cute hair. Side by side you misspelled top and bottom.

Jamie Sue said...

Way cute stuff!! I like the blocks stacked best, but they look good either way. And I totally want to steal that valentine's hairdo for my girls tomorrow. Fun stuff.

Dan and Louise said...

Love the boof! I think stacked looks really cute.

Stefanie said...

VERY cute! Hey Amy, it's me, Stefanie! I'm so glad I found your blog. What a gorgeous family you have! My husband, son and I live in Queen Creek. Where are you living now? For some reason, I thought you lived in Utah.